Harding Wellbeing

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Jane Crockatt, Harding Wellbeing

Ever since I was a child I have loved being with people. I find them endlessly fascinating. As I grew up, this interest focused into the desire to work with children, which I did for a good many years. This developed into a wish to support all people, whatever their circumstances.

So I left the special school where I had been happy for many years and embarked on a four year training course in the Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler. At the same time I took a qualification in massage and started my journey with Reiki, which I discovered is at the heart of everything I do.

I have been blessed with wonderful teachers on my path and this guidance and preparation started my fascination with the mind, body and spirit connection. That is how Harding Wellbeing was born. Over the years I have increased my knowledge base and qualifications. But you never stop learning and I think that my clients teach me as much as I teach them. The Buddha said, "When the student is ready the teacher appears". I believe that we are drawn to the people we need in our lives at the time, and that people are drawn to Harding Wellbeing when they need the sort of help I can give.

The holistic view I take and the large skill base I have, mean that my working life is varied, endlessly fascinating and constantly evolving. I really love what I do and hope that this comes across in the warm welcome that my clients receive when they arrive here at my house in Stone, near Aylesbury.

My latest innovation is the expansion of the group work, on all sorts of subjects from meditation to workshops to help us to accept ourselves and increase self-esteem. I am thoroughly enjoying this.

I hope you enjoy reading my website. I adore the sea and wanted to bring the peace it gives me to you on your PC!!!

Warmest wishes,
Jane Crockatt